Our center of knowledge for online freelancers


Chile se sube al Freelancing Launchpad de la mano de Talento Digital

Wisar abrió las puertas del Freelancing Launchpad el pasado 2 de septiembre junto a Talento Digital para Chile. Con más de 700 postulaciones, Wisar otorgó 100 becas Starter a egresados de Talento Digital, con el propósito de lanzar a los profesionales chilenos al éxito en el mundo freelance global. La formación integral en freelancing, con el coaching personalizado que los participantes recibirán en los niveles Go-Getter y Achiever, preparará a los participantes para elevar su carrera y aprovechar las oportunidades de trabajo en plataformas freelance globales.

Mastering Effective Pricing: Freelance Strategies for Success

Mastering Effective Pricing: Freelance Strategies for Success

Discover expert insights and proven strategies for setting effective pricing as a freelance professional. From determining your worth to negotiating rates, this comprehensive guide will help you optimize your pricing strategy for success. Explore actionable tips and industry best practices to maximize your earnings and thrive in the competitive freelance market.

Kickstart your career with online freelancing platforms

Kickstart your career with online freelancing platforms

Freelancing is becoming an increasingly popular way to make a living, and there are many great freelance platforms out there that can help you find work and build a successful career. Choosing the right platform to work with can make a huge difference, so it’s important to do your research to find the best fit for you.