Managing your projects like a pro

profiles that land freelance jobs online

Sandra Arevalo

Founder & CEO

It is well-known that successful project management is key to reach your goals and keep working relationships with your clients and collaborators in the long run.

Delivering your work at the right quality, at the right time and within the assigned budget shouldn’t be a utopia. It can be your regular operation mode if you use the right methods and tools. Want to know how? Here the 4 pillars to manage your projects like a pro:


It is critical for your success as a freelancer to learn how to make reasonable estimations of:

  • The tasks required to reach the objectives of a project
  • The resources needed to complete the job
  • The time it takes to perform every activity
  • The costs associated with each activity


The basis lies in the complete understanding of the project objectives associated with defined tasks to complete at specific times.


Tracing a project plan with the customer before signing the contract will ensure that you are aligned at the critical points to define realistic timelines and budgets.


With the program agreed and the contract signed, the time to execute as promised has arrived. A tool to manage the project will give you good visibility of the progress, allowing you to identify the roadblocks and potential deviations with enough time in advance to react and look for alternatives.
The most popular project management tools

There are many project management tools on the market (check this list of the more than 1,000 alternatives available in 2021). How to choose the best for you?

The simple answer is the one that best responds to your needs. For example, if you’re in the healthcare industry, you may need Medical Practice Management Software. If you choose to combine several tools, it is essential to check that they can work together efficiently. And if you are having problems with accounting tasks, you might want to use this Quickbooks enterprise software. You may go here for more info.

Beware your clients and collaborators may be using a tool already. Your adaptability will make a difference to merge with the team seamlessly. The more tools you know, the easier the kick-off will be.

Here our selection of the most popular tools. Take your time to explore them further as needed:

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Learn to skills to freelance from anywhere in the worldHow to start freelancing online

In our ever evolving scenario, it’s important to keep your eyes and ears open to learn new tools to boost your productivity.

For example, if you’re mostly dedicated to visual design, a tool like Zipboard could be interesting to explore being 100% designed to collaborate and markup on web pages, courses, videos, HTML, PDFs and images.

Another tool brought to our attention lately is Hubstaff Tasks, optimised for Agile teams to enhance team collaboration and communication.

As said, adaptability, constant exploration and discovery are the keys. Enjoy finding your dream tool(s)!


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